Books for therapists




More than Numbers: Facilitator's Guide

This Facilitator’s Guide contains all the worksheets and handouts needed to instruct clients in everyday financial therapy best practices. It is designed as the companion book to More than Numbers: Participant Workbook

More than numbers facilitator's guide, books for therapists

More than Numbers: Participant workbook

This participant workbook contains all the worksheets and handouts needed to participate in Everyday Financial Therapy. It is designed as the companion book to More than Numbers: Everyday Financial Therapy Facilitator’s Guide. 

Books for therapists: Financial Therapy Participant's Workbook

Lectures in Psychopathology

Dr. Smith’s provocative and entertaining presentation provides therapists with an invaluable guide in treating chronic emotional disorders.

Books for therapists: Dr Smith's Psychopathology Lectures book cover 2nd edition

Money & Marriage

This book contains 30 lessons designed to help couples navigate financial discussions and effectively communicate about one of the most challenging topics that couples face. 

Book cover for Money and Marriage

Growing A Private Practice

This small book provides a primer on starting a private practice. It promotes entrepreneurship as the fundamental orientation that is needed for a successful practice.

                                                             Check out the books at my estore 

Why books for therapists?

Foundational knowledge about the human condition and a broad view of the techniques that can alleviate suffering go hand-in-hand. This means that books for therapists are important not only for those in the field but for those individuals thinking of entering into the field of counseling, therapy, or social services, as well as those who are simply looking to resolve a major problem in their life.


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